www.singhandsingh.co.za – Singh and Singh and associates – Law Firm

Surendra Singh established Surendra Singh and Associates in 1979 in Ladysmith, KwaZulu Natal after completing his articles. He matriculated at Windsor High School, Ladysmith and thereafter completed a BA and LLB at the then University of Durban Westville. During his secondary and tertiary education, Mr Singh excelled at any language study he undertook as well as history. He has worked within the legal field for over four decades, practising within many and varied bodies of law.

In addition to his undergraduate degrees, Mr Singh also holds a Postgraduate Diploma in labour law from the then Rand Afrikaans University, a Higher Diploma in taxation, a Certificate in companies law and a Masters in business law from the then University of Natal. Mr Singh is a general practitioner and undertakes all types of legal work at all levels, both civil and criminal.

Contact Surendra Singh  –  Mobile: 083 725 6870  / Email: surend@telkomsa.net